Crab & Passion fruit

Published on 19 February 2025 at 19:52


Black tenkasu


  • Mix tempura flour, charcoal and water until smooth and place in fridge.
  • Heat the oil, splash small drops of the tenkasu batter in, removing them when they are crispy and golden. Set aside on some kitchen roll to drain the excess oil
  • Cover your sushi mat with sushi rice, placing the sheet of nori over the top . Add the sliced cucumber and roll tight. Coat the whole roll with the black tenkasu crispy bits before cutting the roll into 8 pieces. Stand each piece on its base
  • Spoon a portion of the crab meat on top of each one
  • Finish the dish with the passion fruit Kewpie mayo to garnish, and serve with pickled ginger and wasabi